The Rizal Day 32k Run at Camp Aguinaldo Quezon City today 30Dec09, officially closes the running events for the year 2009. The run was a welcome challenge particularly to burn the excessive calorie intake since Christmas and with the coming of New Year celebration.
As much as I want to complete the whole 32k distance, I told Bald Runner (Gen. Jovinal Narcise) that I shall only be doing two loops considering I was coming from a wake at San Pablo City and will stand as a wedding sponsor at 11am of the same day.
This was my second experience to run inside Camp Aguinaldo the last being the Master’s 15K Run also organized by Bald Runner last 06Sep09. And the experience then was great that you could only expect the same or even a greater event for the Rizal Day 32k Run.
I arrive at the GHQ grandstand at around 5:00am and surprising all the parking spaces situated left of the grandstand were all taken. I flowed with the traffic and joined others to park on the grass area inside the parade grounds. After finding my way to the assembly area, It was the opportune time for greetings and hellos to your running acquaintances. As I have blogged before, the best part in joining a running event is the ”hellos” before the race and the “how was your run” after the race.
Shortly after, BR was at the microphone announcing those that parked their cars at the grass to transfer their cars to the right of the grandstand were more ample parking spaces are available. I went to transfer my car as required, however, there were still owners who either have not heard the request or just did not bother to move. Strangely, five cars were park closing the exit gate of the parade ground leading to Capinpin Avenue that blocked the direct route of the race. BR after sometime announced that he will start the race even if the cars are there and the owners shall take the risk for themselves. The count of 30 was started to give warning to all that the race is about to start. Reaching the countdown at 9 BR played around to prolong the count then did the same reaching the countdown at 3. However, after a couple of words proceeded to 0 and then the gun start. About two cars were still blocking the exit at that time and the owners probable felt so silly to find out later that they really did blocked the race route. This could also be the cause for the shorter distance for each loop which I will deal on the matter later.
As the race started and just a couple of meters at Capinpin Avenue leading to EDSA you begin to realize that the street was in total darkness and that there were no lights on the posts inside the camp. It was kind of trilling and you need to be careful of your steps. The risks of tripping down as you run become greater as you enter Crame Avenue due to humps on the road. Correctively, runners ahead of you started to shout “humps” when they reach one to caution the runners at the back. What as great show of concern shown by the runners. Then at the corner of Gozart and Gen.Lim streets with no visible runners in front and immediately at my back, my foot hit a protruding manhole cover causing me to fall to my fours. Feeling more embarrassed than hurt, I stood up and proceed in my run. Only after I was on my run again did I notice I wounded myself on my right palm. It was part of the game and my only consolation was there were no witnesses to my dive/fall.
Daylight was already setting in when I reached Gen. Enrile Avenue. After turning left to Capinpin Avenue from Segundo Avenue I was expecting that runners will be turning right at De Jesus Avenue then enter the parade ground passing the start/finish arc infront of the grandstand to complete a single lap, but, we were instead allowed to proceed onward to Capinpin Avenue marking the end of the loop only at the exit at the parade ground. This was not the same route and distance we took last Masters Run nor was it the same as given on the route provided for the Rizal Day Run. My concern is that the loop has been shortened by at least an estimate of 400 to 500 meters. This will amount to sizeable distance in four loops.
As I was doing only two loops, I completed my run with a distance of 13.86k in 01h44m29s and burned 1001Kcal.
I proceeded to the grandstand area and was greeted by Bald Runner and I astonished to see that a lechon was ready for chopping for the runners. Again, this event is void of any commercialism and relied more on donations from friends and patrons. There were even fruits, snack items and fruit cocktail provided on certain water station. More so, I saw that finisher shirts and medals were being readied for participants as they cross the finish line.
Congratulations to BR for a great race specifically dedicated to runners of all categories.
It was a fitting race to end a good racing year! Happy New Year to all!!!!!