After two months of delay due to typhoon “ONDOY” the NEW BALANCE POWER RUN 09 will finally be held this coming Sunday 29Nov09 at the Bonifacio Global City.
As posted in my previous blog on 25Sep09 and 27Sep09, NB Power RUN 09 is a long awaited race for me personally. It took me more than two years to convince my wife to try running and due to my insistence, she finally said “yes”. I had her registered for the 5km category, but, as events lapsed it was not meant to be due to “ONDOY”. I tried to ask her to register on other races after then, but, her easy excuse was “maybe she was not meant to run as foretold by even nature”. She insisted to wait for the actual event day for the NB Power Run 09.
With four days to go, I am excited and hoping that no “Acts of God” will stop the event this Sunday. It will be a family run for us, my son Dax, my daughter-in-law Pamela, my youngest son Dennis and my wife Hermie.
By the way the original routes for the different categories have been changed and the following race route were posted;

An added incentive announced by the sponsors PARTICIPANTS WHO WEAR NEW BALANCE FOOTWARE WILL RECEIVE A PAIR OF NB RUNNING SOCKS. Make sure to cross the finish line in your New Balance shoes.
See you on Sunday 29Nov09 5:30am gun time.
see you at new balance sir amado! :-)