It has been said often that we always pray and seek for God’s help and assistance whenever we have a problem and most in particular when we are sick. I am no different and prayed a lot prior to my angioplasty. Having undergone the procedure successfully and now fully recovered, it is but fitting to give a THANKSGIVING to our creator for answered prayers.
On 7Feb09 at 11:30am a THANKSGIVING MASS was held at Paragon Plaza which was followed by a simple lunch and get together. What better way to celebrate the occasion but with my Office Staff, Golfing Buddies, Bald Running Team and Other Runners, Couples For Christ Household, Tekton Guild, Paragon Plaza Community, Friends, Relatives and my Family. I need not name those who have shared this precious moment with me. From the bottom of my heart, thank you! God is Good, all the time.
Pardon the late comment, I lost your blog addy and only retrieved it after seeing Dawn earlier this week. I am so glad you are well Tio Mads! God bless you, and Bernie and I are looking forward to seeing you soon. it just wishful thinking onmy part, or are those really my parents with their back turned in the 2nd pic =)?